Opening a lister with the path of your current shell

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  Even with the few commands we have seen so far, we can create some useful
ARexx scripts, here is a simple example:

 $VER: DOS-DOpus.dopus5 1.0 (28.7.98)
 Loads current shell directory into a new DOpus5 lister.
options results                        /* Enable results */
if ~show('P','DOPUS.1') then do        /* Check for DOPUS.1 ARexx port */
  Say "DirectoryOpus is not running."  /* Warn user if DOpus not running */
  Exit 5                               /* Exit with result code = 5 (Warn) */
  end                                  /* End this loop */
Address 'DOPUS.1'                      /* Address DOpus */
dopus front                            /* Bring DOpus to the front */
dir = pragma('d')                      /* Returns current shell in 'dir' */
lister new dir                         /* Open a new lister, path 'dir' */
exit                                   /* Exit */

  Pressing this  button  will put this script into the DOpus5:ARexx/ directory,
then from an AmigaDOS shell type:

  rx DOpus5:ARexx/DOS-DOpus.dopus5

  What will happen is the script will bring Opus to the front of your
display, then open a new lister with the shell's path, the script will then
end.  You can then select files in that directory to perform operations
on without having had to open a new lister and work your way through the
directory structure.

  We don't need to store the lister's handle for such a simple script,
because we don't perform any further operations on that lister.

  Hint: Rather than having to type in 'rx DOpus5:ARexx/DOS-DOpus.dopus5'
every time you want to use the script, edit your S:Shell-Startup file and
insert something similar to the following line:

  Alias DD "rx DOpus5:ARexx/DOS-DOpus.dopus5"

  Now when you type 'DD' in a shell it will call the above script.

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